Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Assignment 4

1. Take a picture of any building on campus and post it on your blog
Barnwell College, just off the Horseshoe

2. Describe two architectural features or elements of the building - use architecture vocabulary
    The columns on the building are Ionic Columns.  Ionic Columns have a base, unlike Doric Columns, that separates the shaft from the platform.  The top of the columns curves to make what looks like an "I" at the top.  Ionic Columns are more slender than Doric Columns.  Around the the edge of the roof of the building are small decorative blocks called, Dentil.  In architecture, dentil by definition is, " a small tooth-shaped block used as a repeating ornament in the bedmould of a cornice."
3. Discuss the buildings style
    Because of the Ionic Columns this building has characteristic of Greek Temples from the Greek Revival period.  The Greek Revival style was frequently used during the pre-Civil War years to represent timelessness. 

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