Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Assignment 2

Describe the 4 domains of creativity:

Fluency:        generating many ideas

Flexibility:     moving from one idea to another

Originality:    coming up with or creating a new idea

Elaboration:   adding onto an idea to improve it

Describe the Feldman Method of Art Criticism:

Describe:     In this stage of criticism the viewer should stay objective to what they are seeing by asking questions like- Who's the artist?, What's the median?, How big is the art work?, What are the characteristics of the art work?

Analyze:     In this stage of criticism the viewer should gather more information by describing the principles of design (rhythm and movement, balance, proportion, variety, emphasis, harmony, and unity) present in the art work.  They should ask questions like- How do the lines, space, color, and texture create rhythm and movement?,  Is the art work balanced?  Do the elements of art create a sense of harmony and unity?
Interpret:     In this stage of criticism the viewer should ask question about what the artist is trying to convey through the art.  The viewer should use questions like- What does it (the piece of art) mean?,  How do the images create a metaphor?,  What kind of feeling does it give me (the viewer)?,  and Does it have a social meaning?

Judge or Evaluate:     This stage of criticism is the viewer's point of view.  Did I like it?  Also, ask what I did or didn't like about the piece of art.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Assignment 1

a. Have you ever made art? What kind of art do you like?
    I have made numerous pieces of art over the years.  I mostly made art during elementary school and durning Vacation Bible School.  My favorite kind of art is the kind children make for their parents, especially if the particular piece of art includes a handprint or footprint.  The reason I like this particular type of art is because seeing a child's handprint or footprint brings a sense of innocence.  I also like images wether painted or photographed of the outdoors, particularly Southern images of oak trees and a dirt road with a house in the distance. 

b. Have made a drawing, painting, sculpture?
    I have done drawings of my family when I was in elementary school.  I also remember making ghosts out of footprints at Halloween and turkeys from handprints at Thanksgiving.  During art class painting was one of my favorite things to do because you were able to make a mess and it was not frowned upon.

c. Have you ever been to a museum, gallery, or artist studio?
    I visited the National Gallery of Art and National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C. during a class trip.  There were many wonderful paintings in the galleries.  A few years ago when I was with my parents at the South Carolina Bankers Association annual summer meeting, we had lunch in an art gallery.  This particular gallery had a display of paintings with a concentration on Southern images.

d. Have you ever been to a play, opera, art film?
    I have been to many plays over the years and have been in a few during middle and high school.  My mom made us go see the Japanese opera, Madame Butterfly, which was extremely hard to understand.  Also, during a trip to New York City, we saw Phantom of the Opera on Broadway.  I am actually not sure if I have ever seen an art film.

e. Do you dance?
    I do dance when I'm at a wedding.  Then there are times when I will dance around my room if a good song comes on my ipod.  I also started dance lessons when I was three years old and continued for ten years.  Even though I took dance when I was younger, I do not think I am that good at it.

f. Under what conditions do you learn the most?
    I learn best when I am in a small group almost like a one-on-one group.  I like when I can listen to what the teacher is saying and take notes.  I do not do very well when there are distractions in the room.

g. Why are you taking this class?
    I am taking this class as an additional humanities requirement.  Also, I had a friend who had just taken this class and said she loved it!  She thought I might enjoy it as well!

h. Have you ever looked at at or anything really and been moved by what your eyes see?
    My mom recently participated in the Honor Flights for World War II veterans and there was a television crew that went with them to document the trip.  Well everywhere they went they had people to greet them and watching the video of their trip almost brought tears to my eyes.  Because, you could see in the veterans eyes how much it meant to them to have those people there to greet them and just tell them thank you for their service.  However, the most moving part of the video was when veterans from the Vietnam War escorted them to the WWII memorial in D.C. because many of the Vietnam vets did not have the same kind of welcome or thanks for their service.

i. What inspires you?
   I am inspired most by my parents because they are two of the kindest people I know.  They go out of their way to make someone who would be considered an outsider feel like they are at home.  Also knowing that maybe someday I could make a difference in someone's life like my parents have for others inspires me.

j. Do you consider that movies are a form of art? How about video games, Comics, Television?
    I do consider movies and television a form of art because someone has worked extremely hard to the movie just like a painter does for his paintings.  Even though I am not a fan of video games and comics, I do consider them art because they have been created just like a drawing.

k. Who decides what is good art?
    To me anyone can decide if something is art.  Art like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  There may be a piece of art that does not appeal to me and I do not want to consider it art, however, someone else might consider it a masterpiece.  Do not have to be an expert to decide what is good art.

l. When you debate music with your friends what are your critical elements or standards to which you hold the music to?
    When I debate music with my friends, I am usually a little negative towards their taste in music because it includes Rap, which I am not a fan of, and some hard Rock.  I do not care for music where you can barely hear the words because the beat overpowers the words.  I would prefer to listen to James Taylor, Michael Buble, and possible because I take after my mom Big Band music.  I like the music I am listening to to have a meaning not just a beat.

m. What was the best movie you saw last year?
     I have seen so many movies over this past year I could not pick my favorite.  Many of the movies I was were fabulous!  If I were to pick an action/war movie I would saw Robin Hood with Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett would top that list.

n. What is an Art Film?
    I not sure what an Art Film is, but I hope by the end of the semester I will be able to answer that question without any hesitation.  However, if I were to guess I would say it was a short film like SCAD students make during their senior year as their project.

o. What music is in your ipod or mp3 player, car, albumns
    I have a variety of music on my ipod.  I really like James Taylor, Michael Buble, John Mayer, and many Country artist.  In my car the CD that plays is a mix of University of South Carolina's own, Darius Rucker.